Friday, November 27, 2015

Green Bean Cranberry Almond Dish

I think this is what saved me on Thankgsiving. Unfortunately I wasn't able to spend time with my family this day, but I was able to spend time with my wonderful coworkers! We decided to have a potluck. Mmm. However, I over did it on the sweets, so I was glad that I made something to counter balance all the sugar I consumed. (Cause that really works, right?). Haha, it was a nice light and festive looking dish. I'll definitely make it again, maybe for Christmas?

2 large handfuls of green beans
1/2 cup or more of dried cranberries
1/2 cup or more of almonds

Soak the dried cranberries in a bowl with hot (boiling) water until they are covered. Trim and wash the green beans. Heat oil in a pan and saute for 4-5 minutes. Add the cranberries and cook until water almost disappears. Add the almonds and cook for an additional minute or two. 

It's quick and easy, so it was the perfect thing to make in between working twelve hour shifts!

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