Sunday, August 18, 2013

Shopping Tips N Tricks

1. Shop mostly from the wall of the grocery stores: Fresh produce, dairy, and fresh meats are located mostly along the outer walls of the store. I usually only shop in the middle to obtain baking supplies or canned food.

2. Eat mostly  vegetables, beans, nuts and fruit: Stay away from processed and prepackaged foods. If possible, try to make your own cookies or granola bars so you know exactly which ingredients are in it.

3. Sometimes buying fresh and unbagged is cheaper than bagged produce: For example, you may notice that one bunch of spinach, unwashed costs less than one that is already bagged. You are paying for convenience. If you want to save some money take a look at these prices.

4. Always go to the grocery store prepared: I've noticed that when I shop without a grocery list I tend to grab more food than I was intending to. Make sure to look at what you have before leaving the house and jot a few things down of what you are running low on or ingredients you need to make recipes for the week.

5. Check out the deli section: Not only is your meat and cheese going to taste WAY better, but it also doesn't cost much more than the packaged items. Try buying low sodium meats when possible.

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