Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Acorn Squash Fritters

  • 1 acorn squash, sliced in half and cleaned of seeds 
  • 1 egg, beaten 
  • 6 Tbsp. flour (I used whole wheat)
  • 5 Tbsp. Panko bread crumbs
  • 1 tsp. baking powder 
  • Optional: 1/2 tsp. smoked paprika 

  1. Preheat the oven to 375. 
  2. *TIP: Fork the squash a few times and add to microwave until soft enough to cut in half.* Take the acorn squash and place it in a glass baking dish. Fill the fish with one and a half inches of water. Roast for 45 minutes until the flesh is tender. Let cool. 
  3. Once the squash is cool, scoop the insides out into a bowl. Mash them until they resemble mashed potatoes. 
  4. Add the beaten egg to the squash and mix well. 
  5. In another bowl, combine flour, cornmeal, baking powder and paprika. Add the squash mixture to the flour and mix well until totally combined. 
  6. Heat a half an inch to one inch of vegetable oil in a saucepan over medium-high heat.
  7. Once the oil is heat, drop the squash by the tablespoon into the oil. After 2-3 minutes, when it has turned golden brown, flip the squash. When it has turned golden on the other side, remove and set on a paper towel to drain. 
  8. Repeat until you have no more squash. 
Sprinkle with salt and serve hot.

    Adapted from: Feed Me, Seymour

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